Compiled by Fr. Thomas McGahee tom_mcgahee at sigmaiscom
This Table may be copied freely so long as credit is given to the author. Originally compiled for use by those building Tesla coils on the TESLA and TESLA-2 internet mailing lists.
Compiled in April 1998 based on information derived from various sources. Since there were some discrepancies between data sources, the author has chosen not to just copy the numbers found in those sources, but rather to write a program that would generate the data based on a Best Fit mathematical model. The author has checked the Diameter in mils results against the data contained in the MACHINERY'S HANDBOOK, Twenty-First Edition, 1982, published by Industrial Press Inc. All numbers shown are accurate to +/- 1 in the least significant digit position. Column headings have been repeated to make the list more readable
AWG = American Wire Gauge size from 0000 to 40
Dia-mils = Diameter in mils (1 mil = .001 inch)
TPI = Turns Per Inch [Note that this is for BARE WIRE. Insulation thickness varies]
Dia-mm = Diameter in millimeters. This was included to help when dealing with metric Coilers.
Circ-mils = Cross sectional Area in Circular Mils. ( circular mils = diameter in mils squared )
Ohms/Kft = Ohms Per 1,000 ft.
Ft/Ohm = Number of feet required for 1 Ohm of resistance
Ft/Lb = Feet Per Pound
Ohms/Lb = Ohms Per Pound
Lb/Kft = Pounds Per 1,000 feet
*AMPS = Conservative Amp Rating based on 750 circulare mils per Amp
MaxAmps = Maximum allowable current based on 500 circular mils per Amp. Do NOT exceed this rating.
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